Zoom lenses (40x to 60x)

In this page you can find a wide range of high quality motorized zoom lenses. Our range of zoom lenses are in the high focal length range, so lenses up to 1000mm with 2x extender = 2000mm can be found. All applications are different in regards to the needed spectral response, focal length, extender, sensitivity, control interface and so on
If you do not find the needed zoom lens in this section, then please e-mail your specifications, so we can check if we can supply the right zoom lens.
We have a wide range of zoom lenses with high mega pixel resolution to match your IP or HD-SDI camera.
On a few of our large motorized zoom lenses you can find the feature “Auto focus”, The auto focus works by image analysis of your connected video signal from your camera. In general the technology is working very fine but you must consider, that it does not work properly during low light. Your system should still include the manual control of the focus during night time.
Please contact us if you need advice on what type of zoom lens you should select for your application, or if you need a specific lens focal length calculation.