Pan/tilt 3-30 kg load

2B Security is the market leader in pan/tilt solutions, we can offer you a wide range of units with advanced features like continuous rotation, built-in RS-485/422 interface, Pelco D/P protocol, absolute position support, Pelco extended protocol, position feedback, slow and high speed control for long range applications, high precision, variable speed control….
Heavy duty pan/tilt design made for harsh enviroment IP66/IP68, made of high grade stainless steel or high quality painted aluminum with stainless fittings.
The most important specification when selecting the right unit is the load capacity, control features, the over all quality and the IP rating. The load capacity should not be underestimated as the unit also need to operate in all weather conditions where the wind also influence on the load factor.
If you do not find the right unit in this section, then please e-mail your specifications, so we can check if we can supply the right solution.
Most of our pan/tilt units have a built-in serial interface with RS-485 Pelco D protocol. Many of the units supports “Pelco extended commands”, that feature included some more advanced commands for positioning control of the positioner. The command sets for absolute position are as following:
Pelco Extended Commands
Set Pan Position – Set Tilt Position – Set Zoom Position – Set Focus Position
Query Pan Position – Query Tilt Position – Query Zoom Position – Query Focus Position
Many IP cameras are equipped with a RS485 Pelco D output, that data output can be connected directly to the unit if the positioner is delivered with built-in RS-485 telemetry receiver. In that way the head can be controlled by your IP / network camera.
Long range surveillance PTZ cameras with large zoom lenses need a heavy duty unit with high load capacity, slow speed control and high precision. In our PTZ-6000 PTZ system, we use the large PT-3000 series with built-in RS-485 telemetry receiver, lens controller and advanced control features.
See the video of how to control the PTZ system below: (maximize for details)
AC units
AC heads are typically used for fixed speed applications.
DC units
DC units are typically used for variable speed applications.
Side mount / top mount
Many of the units can be ordered with the selection of side mount or top mount.
Top mount is very useful if IR lamps or other equipment will be mounted on the side of the unit.
Side mount typically have a higher load capacity compared to top mount.
Load calculation
When calculating the needed load capacity of the unit, it should not be underestimated, as the unit need to operate in all weather conditions and the wind also influence on the load on the head.
IP rating
Our outdoor units are typically environmental rated IP66, IP67, IP68.
High speed
Some of our pan tilt units can be ordered with different speed options, selecting higher speed will result in lower load capacity.
Limit switches
The limit switches in the unit can be adjusted so the unit is limited to operate in the area you have selected.
Feedback potentiometers
The pan tilt units can be ordered with feedback potentiometers. The feedback potentiometers supply a voltage readout that can be used as reference to what position the head is positioned. By use of that voltage the telemetry receiver / controller can be preset programmed.
Angle read out / feedback encoders
Some units are have built-in encoders to be able to read out the exact position of the pan/tilt. The readout is typically done by Pelco extended protocol “Absolute position”
“Absolute position” feature makes it possible to read and to set the position very exact in variables.
Most units or controllers can be programmed with presets. Preset means that positions can stored as a memorized position and be called again when that position is needed.
Controllers for fixed speed and variable speed
To control pan tilt units that are not equipped with internal RS-485 receiver, a telemetry receiver is needed, that controller can then be controlled by a keyboard or software. AC controllers for AC units (fixed speed) and DC controllers for DC units (variable speed).
PTZ camera stations
2B Security delivers custom made PTZ camera stations for many different kind of applications.
Those large PTZ surveillance camera stations are used for long range surveillance applications and are typically delivered with motorized zoom lens ranging from 500 mm up to 1000 mm.
2B delivers the custom made PTZ surveillance cameras as plug and play. Camera and lens mechanical fitted and assampled in the camera housing, adjusted back focus and tested.
More informations about PTZ cameras .. click here